Teisho 19 de Octubre de 2020
Música: Beyond this moment – Patrick O´Hearn
Teisho 19 de Octubre de 2020
Música: Beyond this moment – Patrick O´Hearn
Música: A child – Paul Mounsey
Paul Mounsey – City of walls (2003) Paul Mounsey – Keyboards & Programming with the voices of: Oumayma El-Khalil Authors: Mahmud Derwish – Marcel Khalif
طفل يكتب فوق جدار طفل نبتت بين أصابعه النار أيتها الخوذات البيضاء حذار من طفل نبتت بين أصابعه النار من طفل يكتب فوق جدار يكتب بعض الأحجار، بعض الأشجار وبعض الأشعار.
A child writes on a wall
and flourishes fire between his fingers
Be careful white helmets
with a child whose fingers flourishes fire
with a child who writes on a wall
and writes a few stones, few trees and a few poems