Nuestra única identidad real

Como un viento de fondo, la densidad de lo invisible, penetra hasta el último tejido. Des-nudo des-nudado, des-anudado Fuerza del Ser, aliento en las horas oscuras. La in-presencia, en gran presencia devenida; certera condición de una experiencia que allana los sentidos. Y se hace Toque. Y se hace Tacto, presión del Infinito en cada célula. Tan denso es el fulgor del Ser en el No-Ser, que el retal nebuloso de la avalancha de sombras parece aligerarse ante la luz y ensombrece la muerte.
La trama del Ser y del No-Ser como única expresión del Uno, el último asidero que nos salva. Nuestra única identidad real.
Rafa Redondo


Tu Presencia callada,
donde tu voz resuena,
allá en mi más íntimo recinto.
Me apena que, tan lleno de ruido y autosuficiencia, no te sepa yo percibir al filo de cada instante…
Rafa Redondo



Múisca:  Beneath a Phyrgian Sky – Loreena McKennitt


The moonlight it was dancing
On the waves, out on the sea
The stars of heaven hovered In a shimmering galaxy
A voice from down the ages
So haunting in its song
These ancient stars will tell us
Our love must make us strong
The breeze it wrapped around me
As I stood there on the shore
And listened to this voice
Like I never heard before
Our battles they may find us
No choice may ours to be
But hold the banner proudly
The truth will set us free
My mind was called across the years
Of rages and of strife
Of all the human misery
And all the waste of life
We wondered where our
God was In the face of so much pain
And I looked up to the stars above
To find you once again
We travelled the wide oceans
Heard many call your name
With sword and gun and hatred It all seemed much the same
Some used your name for glory
Some used it for their gain
Yet when liberty lay wanting
No lives were lost in vain
Is it not our place to wonder
As the sky does weep with tears
And all the living creatures
Look on with mortal fear
It is ours to hold the banner
Is ours to hold it long
It is ours to carry forward
Our love must make us strong
And as the warm wind carried Its song into the night
I closed my eyes and tarried
Until the morning light
As the last star it shimmered
And the new sun’s day gave birth
It was in this magic moment
Came this prayer for mother earth
The moonlight it was dancing
On the waves, out on the sea The stars of heaven hovered
In a shimmering galaxy
A voice from down the ages
So haunting in its song
The ancient stars will tell us
Our love must make us strong




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